How Much Does It Cost to Repair or Replace Your Water Heater?
By Matt Schmitz
May 26, 2021
The average lifespan of a water heater is somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 years, which seems like an eternity until that day comes when you suddenly find yourself mid-shower without hot water. Where does the time go? The deceptive nature of having too much time to plan for the worst has left you with soap in your eyes and chill down your spine, a malfunctioning or possibly kaput water heater — and no earthly idea of whether you need to repair it or replace it nor what it’s gonna cost to do either.
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Getting a precise answer to that question hinges on a number of variables that you literally can’t even with right now, and you’re not exactly in the position to make a bunch of phone calls to compare contractor quotes. Calm down and towel off. We’ve got you.
To help you get at least a ballpark idea of what you should expect to pay before you start calling around for estimates, HomeServe has calculated the average costs for water heater repair and replacement nationally and state by state for comparison. Remember, whomever you hire to come and address your issue will almost certainly charge you a fee just to come out and diagnose the problem, so we’ve calculated that average as well.
For a closer look at what factors into the price to replace your water heater, check out our state-by-state replacement cost guide. Likewise, for more specifics on repair prices, go to our state-by-state repair cost guide.
But for our purposes here — to get you an immediate idea of the cold, hard cash you’ll have to drop in order to resume your warm, soothing shower — consult our quick reference guide below. There you’ll find what the average cost for water heater repair and replacement is in your state and how it compares to the national average.
All figures are based on aggregated HomeServe data reported by our network of thousands of contractors across the nation. Where insufficient data was available to determine a verifiable average, we’ve noted so. Also note that HomeServe water heater data should generally be assumed to refer to conventional “tanked” models — the most common type — as opposed to tankless or “on-demand” models, which can cost roughly twice as much.
Diagnosis: $99
Repair: $493
Replace: $1,741
State by State
1. Alabama
Diagnosis: $87
Repair: $405
Replace: $1,402
2. Alaska
Diagnosis: Insufficient data
Repair: Insufficient data
Replace: Insufficient data
3. Arizona
Diagnosis: Insufficient data
Repair: Insufficient data
Replace: Insufficient data
4. Arkansas
Diagnosis: $78
Repair: $318
Replace: $1,509
5. California
Diagnosis: $71
Repair: $340
Replace: $1,589
6. Colorado
Diagnosis: $92
Repair: $283
Replace: $1,535
7. Connecticut
Diagnosis: $59
Repair: $509
Replace: $1,590
8. Delaware
Diagnosis: $74
Repair: $319
Replace: $1,552
9. District of Columbia
Diagnosis: $87
Repair: $398
Replace: $1,468
10. Florida
Diagnosis: $102
Repair: $494
Replace: $1,469
11. Georgia
Diagnosis: $91
Repair: $351
Replace: $1,372
12. Hawaii
Diagnosis: Insufficient data
Repair: Insufficient data
Replace: Insufficient data
13. Idaho
Diagnosis: $87
Repair: $454
Replace: $1,942
14. Illinois
Diagnosis: $87
Repair: $357
Replace: $1,452
15. Indiana
Diagnosis: $82
Repair: $290
Replace: $1,424
16. Iowa
Diagnosis: $85
Repair: $261
Replace: $1,520
17. Kansas
Diagnosis: $84
Repair: $263
Replace: $1,488
18. Kentucky
Diagnosis: $88
Repair: $310
Replace: $1,345
19. Louisiana
Diagnosis: $87
Repair: $278
Replace: $1,496
20. Maine
Diagnosis: Insufficient data
Repair: Insufficient data
Replace: Insufficient data
21. Maryland
Diagnosis: $84
Repair: $466
Replace: $1,424
22. Massachusetts
Diagnosis: $69
Repair: $439
Replace: $1,669
23. Michigan
Diagnosis: $82
Repair: $236
Replace: $1,464
24. Minnesota
Diagnosis: $84
Repair: $339
Replace: $1,524
25. Mississippi
Diagnosis: $80
Repair: $246
Replace: $1,443
26. Missouri
Diagnosis: $83
Repair: $332
Replace: $1,428
27. Montana
Diagnosis: $94
Repair: $310
Replace: $1,579
28. Nebraska
Diagnosis: $92
Repair: $274
Replace: $1,439
29. Nevada
Diagnosis: $59
Repair: $197
Replace: $1,421
30. New Hampshire
Diagnosis: Insufficient data
Repair: $468
Replace: $1,968
31. New Jersey
Diagnosis: $64
Repair: $333
Replace: $1,479
32. New Mexico
Diagnosis: $74
Repair: $484
Replace: $1,438
33. New York
Diagnosis: $84
Repair: $310
Replace: $1,521
34. North Carolina
Diagnosis: $89
Repair: $364
Replace: $1,686
35. North Dakota
Diagnosis: $102
Repair: $288
Replace: $1,611
36. Ohio
Diagnosis: $88
Repair: $567
Replace: $1,558
37. Oklahoma
Diagnosis: $89
Repair: $343
Replace: $1,453
38. Oregon
Diagnosis: $104
Repair: $386
Replace: $1,439
39. Pennsylvania
Diagnosis: $76
Repair: $515
Replace: $1,459
40. Rhode Island
Diagnosis: $81
Repair: Insufficient data
Replace: Insufficient data
41. South Carolina
Diagnosis: $84
Repair: $295
Replace: $1,556
42. South Dakota
Diagnosis: $94
Repair: $283
Replace: $1,577
43. Tennessee
Diagnosis: $82
Repair: $398
Replace: $1,603
44. Texas
Diagnosis: $88
Repair: $325
Replace: $1,564
45. Utah
Diagnosis: $76
Repair: $360
Replace: $1,590
46. Vermont
Diagnosis: Insufficient data
Repair: Insufficient data
Replace: Insufficient data
47. Virginia
Diagnosis: $84
Repair: $295
Replace: $1,592
48. Washington
Diagnosis: $89
Repair: $261
Replace: $1,626
49. West Virginia
Diagnosis: $81
Repair: $393
Replace: $1,423
50. Wisconsin
Diagnosis: $81
Repair: $326
Replace: $1,438
51. Wyoming
Diagnosis: Insufficient data
Repair: $317
Replace: $1,588
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